Bristol Beacon Mural

Bristol Beacon Mural
Bridgehouse, the name for our entrance space, is the canvas for RTiiiKA’s giant colour mural that celebrates the joy and unity of enjoying music together.
Story Wall
An illustrated interpretation of our history

Story Wall
An illustrated interpretation of our history
Story Wall is an artwork by Mel Northover that captures the excitement and energy of performance through the drawn line, connecting and transforming as it explores the Bristol Beacon’s story.
Art at the Beacon

Art at the Beacon
Discover our collection, find out about the artists, and experience the artworks yourself on your next visit.
Plan your visit

Plan your visit
Travel information, opening times, food & drink and frequently asked questions about our venues and performance spaces.
What’s on

What’s on
Browse event listings and find out what music, comedy, exhibitions, workshops and more are taking place at Bristol Beacon.