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Have You Heard? #4: Fabiola Morales

Fabiola Morales

Bristol Beacon Assistant House Manager, musician, music industry professional & dancer

A pink graphic with a black speaker logo. There is text that reads

Welcome back to Have You Heard? – an interview series highlighting the people behind Bristol Beacon.

Each month we speak to colleagues, artists, fans and friends and ask them to share their thoughts on our transformed venue, as well as the music that matters to them.

Introducing…Fabiola Morales

This week, Bristol Beacon Assistant House Manager, music industry professional, artist and musician, Fabiola Morales shares her passion for local venues and emerging artists.

Born in Colombia, Fabi was drawn to the eclectic and artistic vibes that Bristol has to offer, and has since established herself within its vibrant communities and live music scene as a leading industry professional, artist, and dancer.

She shares the latest single from Colombian artist Montañera – Un Día Voy A Ser Mariposa, as well as her thoughts on how an emerging artists who are willing to be experimental and unpredictable can make for a stand-out performance.

What have you been working on?

My passion for music encourages me to stay as close as possible to new music, upcoming artists and events. I’m Bristol Beacon’s Assistant House Manager, but every now and then I enjoy repping gigs for other venues and promoters, getting involved in the curation of local cultural events, and working at festivals as a crew member.

I’ve also served as a mentor for a variety of artists at different stages in their careers – from upcoming to well established – as part of the Mentoring Programme with Help Musicians, as well as undergrad students from Leeds Uni, where I completed an MA in Music and Management in 2014.

What does a stand-out live performance look like to you?

Authenticity and being as unpredictable as possible! A great artist will always surprise you with something new as part of their act – being innovative with their sound, going beyond their comfort zone and taking risks! This could be experimenting with lighting, new sounds, artistic collaborations, and so much more.

In terms of venues, Jam Jar is so colourful and unique. It has a strong sense of personality and a very particular look of a food market – a bit like the installations at big music festivals with bright murals and rustic structures. Their line-up also tends to be very up-beat Caribbean, Afro, and Latin music, which takes your ears out of what, after a while, can become an all too familiar Bristol sound – drum and bass, and grime.

What are you listening to right now?

Montañera (or Mountainess) – a fantastic artist back from home, now established in London. Her voice and her sound overall is so delicate and full of power at the same time.

She’s a solo artist that surprises you with a great blend of textures – ambient, experimental, and with mellow melodies, evoking some of our ancestors’ indigenous music as well as sounds of nature. Simply easy to listen to and hard not to enjoy. She recently shared a new single called: “Un día voy a ser mariposa” with a marvellous video too. Please get to know her and her beautiful music!

Have You Heard? Montañera – Un Día Voy A Ser Mariposa

(2023, Western Vinyl)

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