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Music for Everyone

Music is a universal language that knows no boundaries and connects communities.

We invite all members of Bristol’s communities to share, celebrate and participate in creative projects, performances, workshops, networks and social meet-ups.

Our comprehensive programmes collaborate with Bristol’s diverse communities to make sure music is at the heart of our city.

Through the power of creating joyful music together, we hope to enrich lives, empower people with creative potential, and build healthy and happy communities.

Our Projects

Hope Creative

Hope Creative is our award-winning programme of work for children in care (CiC) from 7-18 years old and their community.

Exploring singing and creative musical activities in a safe and supportive atmosphere, young people get the opportunity to: Learn, create, play, perform, write and record their very own music.

Person wearing blue jeans and sandals sitting down lifts up their leg


Pulse a group for adults who wish to improve their health and wellbeing through music and movement.

Created in collaboration with Southmead Development Trust, Pulse is run with monthly drop-in sessions and a regular weekly group and offers music making and physical exercises for people of all abilities.

Find out more

Our Music Club

Working in partnership with Dementia Navigators from the Dementia Wellbeing Service, Our Music Club brings creative activity and live music to people living with dementia, along with their carers and families.

Supported by music leaders, individuals experience, play and make music together, providing joyful and connective times for people to be together in the present.

More info




Once you’ve been once, and you know what it’s about, you want to keep coming!

Our Music Club Participant