We know that music is a powerful tool when placed at the heart of schools – that’s true now more than ever.
Our award-winning schools programme brings music to life for thousands of young people each year through a range of high-quality individual and whole-class tuition, curriculum resources, teacher training opportunities and inspirational experiences.
On this page you’ll find teaching resources, professional development opportunities and information about how your school can sign-up to access our education programmes.
Bristol Beacon Musical Schools

Bristol Beacon Musical Schools
Bring music to life in your school with our programme of award-winning curriculum resources, enrichment activities, whole-class ensemble tuition and teacher training opportunities.
Learn to play an instrument in school

Learn to play an instrument in school
Start your musical journey with individual or small group lessons facilitated by our expert instrumental and vocal tutors.
Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources
Explore our high-quality teaching resources for specialist and non-specialist music teachers to use in the classroom and beyond.
Download our free KS1 and KS2 resources, lesson plans, videos and songs.
Professional Development

Professional Development
Sign up to a wide range of CPD opportunities throughout the year. Register for training events, workshops and courses for specialist and non-specialist music teachers.
Earthsong Programme

Earthsong Programme
Our Earthsong Programme provides the first step into music for children in Bristol primary schools.
Created in partnership with the Earthsong Foundation, the Earthsong Programme has guided children in 13 Bristol primary schools through a 5 year music education programme, and will continue for another 5 years from 2024-2029.
Beacon Bass Boost

Beacon Bass Boost
Beacon Bass Boost is a brand new campaign designed to inspire young people to take up a bass instrument!
This bespoke programme offers local schools the chance to host a double bass, bassoon, tuba, euphonium, trombone or bass guitar from Bristol Beacon. These Bass Boost schools will then receive a number of special assemblies and workshops, featuring live performances, interactive activities and masterclasses, led by guest organisations.
Read, Watch and Listen
The latest news from our music education programmes

Bristol Beacon appoints Sage Gateshead’s Head of Strategy to senior team
- Bristol Beacon News
Contact Us

Contact Us
If you have a question about one of our education programmes, or our teaching resources, or how you can bring music into the heart of your school, then please get in touch.
Make Music

Make Music
As Bristol’s music education hub, we provide award-winning tuition from early years to age 18. Find out how we can help you make space to be creative and make music.
Be Creative

Be Creative
Discover more of the ways in which we create space for the power of music to inspire, teach and transform lives.