The following individuals, businesses and trusts and foundations have given generosity to share unity and joy through live music.
Trusts & Foundations
Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation | The Ashley Family Foundation | The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust | Anchor Society | The Beaverbrook Foundation | The Burden Trust | Dame Violet Wills Will Trust | De Brye Charitable Trust | The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust | The Grateful Society | Jerwood Foundation | The Nisbet Trust | Paragon Music Trust | Paul Hamlyn Foundation | PRS Foundation | Quartet Community Foundation | The Raj K Soni Legacy Fund | St Monica Trust
In Kind Support
Averys | Bristol IT Company | Diana Porter | Home
Major Donors
Emma Balfour and Andrew Garrad | Jerry Cowhig | Ruth Edwards | Mr S Ewens | Ken Gibbs | Paul Goersdorf | Liz Golding | Mr C W Hughes | William and Felicity Mather | Louise Mitchell | Steve Pain | Mary Prior CVO MBE and John Prior | Mrs Wendy Russell | In memory of Louis and Nicole Sherwood | Francesco Vanni | Sally Anne Watson | Tim Westwell | Ian Williams Carpentry Limited
Gold Patrons
Ms Sandra Antonovic & Mr Philip Strong | Simon and Yvonne Chapman | Rosa Corbishley | Dr Jacqueline Cornish OBE & Mr Olivier Espitalier-Noel | Nigel and Lyn Harradine | Sandeep and Jutta Katwala | William & Felicity Mather | Mary Prior CVO MBE and John Prior | Elaine Marson
Silver Patrons
Richard and Joanna Bacon | Alison and Richard Bromilow | Ray and Megan Brown | Russ & Linda Carr | Beth and Steve Evans | Jason and Rachel Hunt | Ros and Cameron Kennedy | Anita Kimber & Laurence Moss | Timothy and Judith Lockwood Jones | Sue & Andrés López Bernal | Louise Mitchell CBE | David and Caroline Middleton | Bob and Liz Reeves | Sonia Mills and Peter Rilett | Ian and Sarah Robinson | Jen and Martin Royds | Steve Pain | Christine and David Thrasher | Simon Wales | Sally Anne Watson | Elizabeth and Paul Whitehouse | Helen and Peter Wilde | Charles and Joanna Wyld
Bronze Patrons
Helen and Richard Barnfield | Michael Bates | Neville Boundy | Mrs Ann Cook | Raymond and Rosamund Calcraft | Jerry Cowhig | Vanessa Denman | Mavis and Eric Evans | Simon and Susan Darwall-Smith | Michael and Charlotte de Grey | Katherine Finn | Tim Grice and Kamala Das | Mary and James Henderson | Dr Christine Hine and Dr Iain Hine | Pascale and Henry Kenyon | Nicola Lapsley | Christopher Moorsom OBE and Mere Moorsom | The Nisbet Trust | Sue Otty | Joanna and Paul Pearson | In memory of Dr Graham Pegg | Prof John Pickard | Annabel Watkinson | Martin & Carole Webb | James and Diana Wetz | Ian Williams Carpentry Limited | Judith and Charles Wilson
Support for our Transformation
CHIME Circle
Joanna and Richard Bacon | Ray and Megan Brown | Simon and Yvonne Chapman | Beth and Steve Evans | Nigel and Lyn Harradine | J and M Britton Charitable Trust | Ros and Cameron Kennedy | William and Felicity Mather | Sonia Mills and Peter Rilett | Sally Anne Watson | Elizabeth and Paul Whitehouse | Helen and Peter Wilde
Name a Seat
Caroline Abrahams | Chris Addey | J & V Adlam | K Ames | R Anderson | Natalie Anderson | Lynne Annear | The Astley Trust | C Baker | Fred Balakrishna | S Bandcroft | Joanna Bangoura | Delphine Barnes | Kaye Barrett | Bruce Barry | Annette Bartlett | Karen Bartlett | Michael Barton | M Barton | Amy Bass | Chris Bastin | M Batchelor | Gillian Baxter | Eddy Baylis | Rbbi Francis Berry | D Birkenhead | D Birkenhead | Angela Birkett | Andrew Blackmore | Andrew Blackmore | E J Bland | Claire Booty | Andrew Boreham | Laura Boreham | Beryl Boyce | Brian and Philippa Boyland | Andy Brackston | Paula Bradshaw | Paula Bradshaw | Laura Bransey-Sharples | Kate Brewer | T Bridge | Arthur Bristow | Nicholas Bromilow | J A Browning | Geraldine Buchanan | Sarah Buckle | Katherine Bunce | Marti Burgess | David Burns | Axel Burrough | E Bury | Barbara Bush | A Butterworth | Deirdre Buttle | Regine Candler | Amanda Carmichael | Amanda Carmichael | Joe and Tina Carroll | Judy Carver | J Caseley | Phil Castang | P Castang | Mya Castillo | C Catleugh | Neil Chapman | Craig Cheney | Mark Chichester | Keith Cocking | Sharon Cockram | Paul Coelho | Suzie Collins | Joyce Connett | Carly Connor | Ann Cook | B Cooper | Rosa Corbishley | The Coronation Tap | John Cotter | V Cottle | M K Croft | Michael Crook | Matthew Crook | Nick Cross | R Crump | A M Curtis | E Dand | Laurent Dansault | T Darling | Jan Davies | Clea Davis | D Dawes | Amanda Delaney | Vanessa Denman | D Dexter | Jonathan Dimbleby | Christopher Dixon | Graham and Gillian Donald | Katie Donovan | Keith James Douglas | Katherine and Tony Downey | Mike D’Rozario | Ben Duckworth | J Dyer | Mr & Mrs C Easthope | Victoria Edden | Nigel Edwards | Laura Evans | Beth Evans | Tricia Eveson | S Ewens | Chris Farthing | Teresa Fisk | Peter Fleming | Chris Flook | Richard Foley | Rob Ford | Eleanor Forrest | Avelyn Forster | Trina Fouracres | Nicola Fowler | Jo Fowles | Alan Fox | Chris Fox | Catherine Frankpitt | Belinda French | Robert Frost | L M Fuller | Ken Gibbs | Siobhan Gilchrist | A Giles | Mr & Mrs F Giovannoni | T Glade | Peter Glanvill | Mrs E Golding | J Goodman | M Grant | Iain Gray | Tim Grice and Kamala Das | Jean Griffiths | Jean Griffiths | Caroline Grime | Jutta Gundalin | Janice Guy | Jackie Haggett | Elizabeth Hammonds | E Handoll | Nigel Hanney | Keith Hanson | Keith Hanson | Trevor Hardy | Valerie Harland | Muriel Harrison | H Hawkins | Paul Hemmings | S Hibberd | Malcolm Higgins | Philip Hill | Karen Hillier | Lesley Hines | Patrick Hitchcock | Sarah Hitchings | Charlotte Hockey-Berry | L Holder-White | Roger Hole | Laura Holmes | Margaret Hook | Stuart Horton | Rev J House | J House | Katharine Howell | Ian Hubbard | C W Hughes | Jacky Humphreys | Paul Hutchens | Paul Hutchens | Valerie Ing | Clare Jack | Sonia Jackson | J James | Janice James | Ian Jenkins | L Jenkins | J Jennings | Arie Johansen | Kit Johnson | T L Jones | A Jones | Charles Jones | Colonel A Jones | Sarah Jones-Morris | Emily Kakoullis | David John Kendall | Henry Kenyon | Ron Kerr | R I M Kerr | Judith Kilkenny | Trevor Knowles | Stuart Laing | Linda Lammond | Richard Lancaster | E Langford | E Lawton | Alison Leaf | Jason Lear | I H Learner | Richard Lee | Damien Leith | Zona Lewin | M Lewis | Mr & Mrs Lewis-Smy | Y Lifely | Jenny Lockyer | Janet Longden | Katherine Lye | Elizabeth Maggs-Smith | Stephen Maine | G Malkerson | Sabrina Marie-Anais | Mr & Mrs Edward Marris | Neil Mason | P R McAuliffe | John McAuliffe | Brian McCulloch | Amjad Mehdi | Oliver Merchant | J A Merritt | Claire Mitchell | R Monks | Trevor Moody | S Moore | Andrew Moorhouse | Veronica Morgan | Philippa Morgan | Nick Morgan | Hugh Morris | Rohanna Morris | Julia Mortimer | Hilary and John Neal | P Neville | C Newman | Keith Nichol | Stephen Nichols | Julia Nolan | Richard Noyle | Ernie Oakley | Joanne O’Donoghue | J S O’Driscoll | Cecilie Organ | Judith Owens | Steve Pain | Alice Parham | Steve Parkhouse | C Pasmore | Siggy Patchitt | Alison Pavier | John Payne | A E Pearson | Martina Peattie | Mike Pedley | Mark Pembury | Rafael Manuel Pepiol | M Perry | Shirley Phillips | Christine Pickup | Andrew Platt | Chris Pockett | N and J Pook | Malcolm Porter | Albert Power | C M Pratt | C Michael Pratt | Laura and Richard Pendlebury | Tom Price | Louise Price | M Price | Timothy Pugh | Anne Pullyblank | A Rackstraw | Angela Raine | Vanessa Rawlinson | A Rennie | Jonathan Reseigh | Russell Richards | Natalie Ridgeon | Carol Robbinson | Ian and Sarah Robinson | Sarah Robertson | Kathryn Robins | Martyn Rowbottom | M Rowley | Grace Rubery | Mr & Mrs David Russell | R J Sanders | Beatrice Scrimshaw | J M Seaborne | Julie Selwyn | Felicia Severns | Gerry Shaw | David Shepherd | Brenda Sheppard | Lee Shepstone | Michael Simpson | Graham Sims | Robert Sims | Roger Sirett | R I Skipworth | Martin Slade | Caroline Slade | Tim Smith | Jenny Smith | M N Smith | Richard Snelgrove |. Edward Spearey | Alan Spencer | Mark Stanford | M J Stapleton | Nathan Stephens-Silverthorne | G Strong | Robert Studholme-Smith | Danny Sullivan | Rachel Sunderland | David Sunter | Alastair Sutherland | Alastair Sutherland | Leslie Sutherland | Janet Swan | Teresa Tagg | Ken Tait | R Talkowski | Vicki Tallon | Crispin Taylor | Albert Taylor | N Taylor | T Taylor | Karen Taylor | J Teakel | D Templar | Matthew Thames | Mike Thomas | Richard Thompson | Sarah Thompson | Nigel Thompson | Adele Tidball | M Tomaszewski | John Townson | Marina Traversari | Panagiotis Tsarouchis | Louise Turner | Francesco Vanni | Alexandra Vincent | Christopher Walker | Kate Walker | James Ward | D Watts | Kenneth Welch | Mark West | Alison White | Mr & Mrs David Whiting | John Widgery | Alison Williams | Elinor Williams | Ian Williams Carpentry Limited | Charles Wilson | Lee Wilton | Richard Wiltshire | Adrian Wolstenholme | Lee Wood | Thomas Woodamn-Povey | Janine Woodcock | Sarah Wright | P Yeman | E Young
Organ Appeal Donors
Mrs Chris Benstock | Raymond Burgin | Trevor Cooper | Simon Goodman | Allen Harris | Mrs Heather Holmes | Andrew Jackson | The Jack & Monica Britton Charitable Trust | Daphne Kauders | Dr Judith Langford | Mrs Gillian Marris | Peter Perrott | Dr Gareth Rees | Julian Rivers | Mr Joachim Schwander | Michael & Mary Tamlyn | Zoe Tooth | Ian White | Mr William Woodward
One-off donations over £50
Sheila Ablitt | Christina Adams | N Akrill | Karen Alderson | J Alderton | Richard Allam | Stephen Allan | J Allister | Filipe Almeida | Robert Altoft | M Alvis | Ammar Alzaatreh | D Anderson | Maria Anderson | D Andrews | Roger & Judith Angerson | Barry Archer | Ray Armstrong | Linda Avery | Robin Aynsley-Smith | Rachel Ayres | Philip Baber | S Badman | Tara Baggott | David Baile | Simon Bailes | Christopher Bailey | Roger and Affra Baird | Ewa Bakowska | Tina Bale | Charlotte Balf | Angela Ballantyne | Maureen Barcham | S Barnes | Bill Barnes | Andrew Barrington | A Bartlett | Debbie Bartlett | Sara Basso de Marc | D Batey | Amanda Bayley | G Bean | Lewis Bear | N Bedale-Taylor| Alison Bell | R Bendall | Jessica Bennett | E Betts | Biggs | Pauline Bigwood | Eric Bird | D Bird | Jayne Bird | Robert Birkenhead | Peter Bishop | A Bishop | Peter Blackett | M Blake Rodney Blake | Tony Blake | K Bliss | J Blower Philip Bolt | Sean Bolton | Joseph Bolton | L Bonnick | Jorge Borras | Anthony Boston | S Boulter | Jill Bourne | Charlotte Bourne | Mr & Mrs P L Bowler | Allan Bowman | Jane Bracey | Chris Bradshaw | Catherine Brennan | Mike Brennan-Craddock | Susan Brice | Philip Bridgeman | Judith Bridges | Arthur Bristow | Adrian Britton | A Broad | Judy Brooks | Alistair Brown | G Brown | Gillian Brown | Andrew Brown | Rob Brownlee | Philip Brunnen | Alison Buckland | Pete Bucksley | Nick Budd | Peter Bull | Richard Bunce | A Bundey | Michael Bunting | Penny Burgess | James Burley | H Burnett | John Burton | Joseph Burton | Michael Butler | Bryan Bzdek | A Calvert | Michael Cantwell | David Capon | M Carr | C Carroll | Jean Carroll | R A Carter | Janet Mary Caswell | Louise Cavell | P Chamberlain | Tim Chambers | Catherine Cheeseman | Sarah Chesney | Michael Chilton | John Chivers | Mike Chorlton | S Chubb | Helen Clark | G Clarke | Frank Clarke | Sarah Clarkson | A Claxton | E Claydon | Mary Clements | P Clifford | Peter Clifton | Sonia Climie | Rosie Closs | Tim Clouter | A Coates | Wendy Coates | Neil Coggins | Andrea Cohen | Robert Collin | J Collins | Eleanor Combley Stephen and Sally Coniam | Terry Cook | Paul Cook | Margaret Cooper | J Copeland | Chris Corble | Patrick Corley | Christopher Cornish | Ruth Cottingham | John Cottrell | Deanna Cox | Liz Coyne | P Cracknell | Sharon Cresswell | R Crew | Linda Croft | Lorna Crook | Mike Cullen | Sabrina Curtis-Way | Emma Daly | Nicola Damery | Mr & Mrs Joan Daniels | Michael Darke | Philip Davidge | Roderick and Jane Davidson | Stephen Davis | Terrence Davis | Joan Day | P Deady | Susan Dibble | John Dickinson | S Didcott | Mrs J C | Katrina Drovandi | Sam Drowley | Anthony Duck | A Dudley | A Duffy | N Dunn | A J Dunn | Giles Dunnill | Jim Dyke | Sarah Eagle | David Eastoe | D Edens | P Edgar | Dan Elliott | Jane Embling | John Emmett | Elizabeth Empson | Brooke Engel | John Etherington | T Everett | Larry Everson | Abigail Farrant | Jacky Farrell | Jane Fitzgerald | Lisa Fletcher |Stephen Flew | Sarah Flook | Peter & Tessa Floyd | R Ford | Charlie Forster | Christine Fox | C Frew | C Friend | Sarah Friend | Susan Fry | Hayley Fry | L Gabriel | Suzanne Gaffney | Lee Gaines | S Gairdner | Jonathan Galbraith | Peter Gallagher | D Galley | Sarah Gane | N D Gardiner | Lisa Garland | Dom Garland | Julia Garmston | Claire Garner | Chris Georgiadis | Laurence Gibbs | Robert Gillespie | Jonathan Gilmurray | Yvonne Gilroy | Matt Golding | Linda Goldthorpe | Justin Goodall | Steven Goodfield | Joe Gorecki | M Gorely | Thomas Govier | Franklin Grant | Iain Gray | Marina Greenman | J Gregory | P Gregory | Elizabeth Gregson | Michael Greybanks | Kath Griffin | Susan Griffiths | Z M Guise | F Gutierrez | A Hall | Joe Hall | E Hall | M Hancock | Rebecca Hanmer | J Hann | Anna Hannis | J A Hardie | Rachel Harding | Christopher Hare | Iain Harkins | G Harman | Lisa Harms | Deb & Bob Harper | Jon Harris | Greg Harris | Andrew Harris | Harry Harris | M Harrison | D Harrowin | Mavis Hart | Sue Hart | Alison Hart | Lynda Hartshorne | J R Harvey | Lucy Harwood | Mike Hastilow | Abbie Hastings | J Hathway | Brian Hayes | John Hays | P Hele | R C Hellings | J Henn | Ian Hennessey | M Henry | William Henry | J Herbert | Frances Herbert | Ann Herring | Ann Heymans | Sally Hickman | M Hill | R K Hillier | P Hilton | Gordon Hobbs | Stephen Hogarth-Jeans | Roger Holbrook | Philip Holl | Victoria Holmes | Louise Hopes | Nicholas Hopes | Tim Horner | Stuart Horton | James Houghton | Andrew House | S Howard | S Howell | Angharad Hughes | Terry Hughes | Gavin Hughes | Sarah Hugnu | Ann Humby | V Humphrey | Laura Humphreys | Sharon Hunt | M Hunter | R Hurdon | Ciara Hurley | Greg Ince | Esther Ingram | Jeffrey Inwood | John Isaac | D Jackson | Emily Jacques | Sharon James | Sarah James | H James | Christine James | P M James | J Jefferies | Sandra Jeffrey | C H Jenne | David Johnston | H Johnstone | Kate Jones | Alan Jones | Gill Jones | Mr & Mrs M Jones | Thomas Jones | Bev Jones | Paula Jones | John Jones | C Jones | Rhodri Jones | Leyton Jones | S Jones | G Jones | G Joomun | Stephen Jordan | Edward Jorden | Mr & Mrs K E Roberts | Darren Keeler | Helen Kelly | Steven Kelvin | Antonia Kendall | Angus Kennedy | R I M Kerr | Anthony Kite | Christine Klimczak | J Knight | Sarah Knight | Judy Knights | P Kofi | John Lambert | Kirsten Lane | B L Lapham | D Larkin | Deborah Lasbury | James Law | G N Lawes | Ray Laws | Tony Layton | Christian Lea | Susan Lear | C J Leatt | Thomas Leimdorfer | Christopher Leonard | James Lepoittevin | Michael Levene | Anthony Lewis | Roger Lewis | Rosemary Liddiard | James Lindsay | Frances Lipman | F Lively | C Long | V Longman |E & J Lord |Nick Lovell | A A Lovell | J Loveridge | N Lowe | M A Lowe | Richard and Barbara Luetchford | Mr & Mrs A Lyle | Stephen Lyne | Rob Maberry | Steven Maby | Campbell and Liz MacKenzie | Stephen MacKereth | Matthew MacLeod | Roslyn MacPherson | M Maggs | Jon Maidment | Roger Maingot | David Mander | P Mannell | Sam Mansfield | Mr & Mrs M H Maple | J E March | T Marchant | Robin Marriner | David and Pippa Marsh | Angela Marshall | James Martin | Josephine Matthews | I May | A Mayo | Nicolette McGuire |Ian McLeod |Niall McLoughlin |Fiona McVey |Amanda Miller Robin Miller | Richard Millett |David Mills |John Mitchard |Liz Mitchell |Carolina Sanchez Moreno | Claire Morgan |A Morley |Jim Morrison |Martin Morton |Thomas Mulhall |Denis Murphy |E Murray |J Mustoe |Susanne Naismith |Hugh Nankivell | Alan Napier-Brown | C B Nash | Mark Newall | C Newbury | Liz Newcomb | John Newsom | Simon Newton | Paul Nicholson | Liz Nicol | K Noble | Dave North | Sarah Northeast | Katherine Norton | J Nutley | Ania Obarska | Maria Ogborn | Samantha Orchard | Brendan OReilly | Leah O’Reilly | Andy O’Rourke | Mary Osborn | S Osman | Chris Ousley | Peter Ovenden | Warren Owen | Philip Palmer | Stephen Paradise | W Parker | Sara Parker | Matthew Parker | Rod Parratt | Mark Parsons | J Parsons | M Parsons | Lorna Paterson | J M Pavey | Jane Pavitt | J A Payne | Monica Pearce | Patricia Pearce | G Pearson | Lynsey Peddie | Rosemary Penketh | Gillian Pennack | Gretta Perkins | Ian Perryman | Joanna Phillips | Deborah Phillips | Martin Phillips | B Philpott | Richard Philpott | E Pippin | Roxana Platagea | Christopher Platt | Kelly Pople | Richard Pothecary | A Potter | Robert Powell | Beverley Preston | Sue Price | R J Pring | Amanda Pritchard | G M Proctor | S Pugh | Kerry Pugsley | A G Purchase | A Purnell | Chris Putt | Caroline Quarmby | Denis Raven | William Rayson | Rajnish Razdan | C Reeves | Robert Reid | Mark Reynolds | Frank Richards | Sarah Richards | Anne Richardson | Jane Riches | D L Rigden | Andrew Rilstone | Paul Rimmer | Julia Ringrose | S Roberts | H Roberts | Naomi Roberts | H Robinson | Keith Rodgerson | Rebecca Ross | M Rowley | Nikki Ruck | B Rust | Andrew Rutherford | F Sahni | Chris and Sam Saunders | Julian Scammell | N Scanlon | Jenny Schaefer | J Sciver | E A Scott | D E Seabright | Carolin Seitz | John Sellers | B Sendell | D J Sevier | M Shakespeare | Sue Shapland | Shaerdan Shataer | Julie Shaw | Chris Shelley | Samantha Sheppard | R L Sheppard | Romy Shiner | M Short | J Shrubsall | Ann Sims | Chris Sinnett | Helen Small | Christopher Smart | Derek Smart | Kathy Smart | Claire Smith | Heather Smith | Alex Smith | Robert Smith | A E Smith | Jeffery Smith | J Smyth | Jo Sowerbutts | Derek Spear | Andrew Spooner | Martin Spragg | C L Stacey | Michael Starr | Stephanie Steadman | Andrea Stickells | Mike Stone | H M Stone | M Stoodley | Adam Stothard | Graham Strange | Darren Stride | R Stroud | Danielle Styles | Paul Summerhayes | Clare Summerhayes | Ann Summers | Peter Sutton | C Swallow | Janet Swan | S Swann | J H Sweet | Alan Swift | Michael Symons | Daniel Tagg | Neil Tague | Sameer Tajdin | Philip Tarling | Steve Taylor | Stuart Taylor | Imogen Thomas | Philip Thomas | G Thompson | Rebecca Thompson | Mr & Mrs F Thomson | M Tippetts | Robert and Barbara Todd | Louise Todd | C Tofts | Tom Tomalin | Matthew Tomiak | Andrew Toogood | Eileen Townsend-Jones | Marina Traversari | B Tully | Penny Tutty | J Tyas | Atul Vadgama | Kelly Vaux | M Verrell | R Vincent | Anna Wade | Liz Wakeman | D Walker | Bettina Walker | Mike Walsh | Jonathan Warboys | V Ward | Rachel Warinton | Rebecca Warren | Stefanie Watkins | Adrian and Annabel Watkinson | P E Watts | David Watts | P Webber | E Weeks | Lynne Weller | R J Wells | Chris Welsh | R Welsh | R West | Tessa West | Ian White | D White | Jo White | Amanda White | Neil Whitehead | Lynn Whitmarsh | Frances Whittaker | Maggie Whittle | Michael Whitton | Emma Wilcox | P Wiles | Michael Williams | K Williams | David Williams | Hayley Williams | Lucy Williams | S Willis | Ernest Willmott | J Wilson | Ivor Wilson | Vicki Witcombe | Wives Fellowship Bristol | Christopher Wood | Paul Wood | Michael Woodgate | Jackie Woods | Dr Chris Woods | Timothy Wooldridge | L Worthington | V Wren | Jeffrey Wright | G Wright | J Wyatt | Stewart Wyatt | P Wyatt |Mr and Mrs Yeman | Miriam Young | Adam Young | Mario Zapata