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Mail A Musician returns with free concerts for Bristol residents

Two musicians perform in a healthcare centre. An audience of NHS staff stand in the background.

This month (Feburary 2022) we’ve been sending musicians across Bristol once again as part of Mail A Musician – bringing the joy of live music direct to the hearts and homes of those most in need.

Mail A Musician ensures that the power of music, to connect and uplift, shines out across the city. Nominated by friends, family and colleagues, recipients receive a free personalised musical performance on their doorstep.


On 2 February 2022, our Mail A Musician initiative shipped Afro-Funk band Hélélé to Montpelier Health Centre for a surprise performance. The team were nominated by colleague Dr Rachel Brown, to appreciate their hard work during this challenging time.

Hélélé performed to over 40 doctors, nurses and surgery staff in their patients’ reception, spreading the joy of live music to their busy day.


The team are amazing in the unfaltering care and support they give to patients despite huge demands on the system and rarely receiving thanks.

Dr Rachel Brown, Nominator


This is the best Wednesday lunch break we have ever had!

Audience member, Montpellier Health Centre


Mail A Musician also visited Bridge Learning Campus Primary School this month with brass trio Andy, Alistair and Vince.

Teacher Lacey Flook nominated her school for a performance, as they currently do not have the resources for instrument lessons.

With over 400 children in the audience, Andy, Alistair and Vince demonstrated their brass instruments and then performed favourites including Tik Tok viral sea shanty The Weatherman and Jungle Book’s King Of The Swingers.

The trio got all the children dancing and singing for what may have been for some their first ever live music experience.


It was a wonderful afternoon of singing, clapping, and learning about the different instruments… a pleasure to get to witness a lot of the children’s first experience of live music.

Connie Badley, Bristol Beacon Community Engagement Officer

Know someone who deserves a Mail a Musician concert?

Nominate a friend to give the unique gift of music, delivered to their doorstep.
