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A teacher leads an orchestra of young people

Teaching Resources

High-quality resources for use in the classroom and beyond

Working with music specialist and non-specialist teachers, we aim to provide high-quality resources for you to use in the classroom and beyond.

Developed in consultation with teachers and our partner schools, we create award-winning Primary and Secondary Teaching Resources and Curriculums for schools and music educators.

From the free and downloadable Bristol Primary Music curriculum to the fabulous arrangements of Christmas songs, on the Bristol Music Curriculum website you can find resources to inspire you and your students.

Oak National Academy Curriculum

Working in partnership with Oak National Academy and Cathedral Schools Trust, we have developed a ground-breaking new primary music curriculum. This is a free, innovative resource for the nation.

Lesson materials are free to access, and comprise lesson slides, a modelled video of lessons being taught, accompanied with audio and visual examples for teachers, alongside a selection of worksheets, quizzes and further resources.

The primary music resources are all designed to better support teachers with the planning, in-class teaching and also developing of their own curriculum.

Find out more and access the resources

Bristol Beacon Primary Music Curriculum has been developed by outstanding Bristol music specialists with music non-specialist teachers in mind. Each year group has different units to develop their singing, performing, composing and listening skills.

The curriculum not only delivers in line with the National Curriculum, but also informed the Model Music Curriculum released in April 2021. With a clear sense of progression throughout primary year groups it is clear to see how children will find this curriculum engaging, whist enabling them to become fantastic musicians.

Children perform in home-made reindeer antler headdresses at a Christmas concert

Resources for Events

Throughout the year we offer inspiring events for children across Bristol to come together and make music.

From our Primary Orchestra Workshops to Christmas singing in the Cathedral, making music together is at the heart of everything we do.

We create resources for teachers and deliver CPD events so that you can engage the young people in your classroom in activities and inspire them to make music together in these fantastic events.

Download the latest resources for our Schools events this term below or view our programme of CPD events.


Latest resources for schools events:

Winter Schools Events 2022

We have created resources for music educators and teachers to help you rehearse and prepare for our events at Bristol Cathedral, the Spiegeltent and St Georges Bristol in December 2022.

Download the resources and listen to the rehearsal and practice tracks for the event your school will be attending.

View and download

Minute of Listening is an exciting and innovative project that provides primary-aged children with the opportunity to experience sixty seconds of creative listening each day of the school year.

In partnership with Sound and Music we provide free access to this to all schools with a Bristol Beacon Musical Schools membership, enabling pupils to experience a range of music and sounds every day of the school term. There is also a specially curated Bristol Sound collections, created from sounds from around the city. The aim of this tool is to develop vital skills in listening and creative enquiry to help nurture each pupil’s learning potential and can be used to support your curriculum learning, or to be part of your range of recovery activities for your school.

Take part in Minute of Listening

Instructions for creating a free account is on each worksheet. You will need to:

  • Visit
  • Sign up for a FREE account
  • Find the Bristol collection
  • Listen to the sound as directed in the worksheet

Pandemic Recovery Resources

Our 5 A Day Music teaching resource will help inspire music, creativity and healthy minds with practical suggestions and activities to use at home or in the classroom.

Bristol Music Curriculum Resource Website

The Bristol Music Curriculum website offers free classroom teaching resources for teachers to inspire you and your students.

View and download Primary Music Curriculum, Secondary Music Curriculum and many other resources to spark musical enthusiasm.