As Bristol’s Music Education Hub we offer a wide range of programmes and learning activities for schools right across the city.
As part of the Bristol Beacon Musical Schools membership we offer whole class instrumental sessions and bespoke workshops. Our highly skilled tutors deliver engaging sessions that enable all children to make progress on their musical journey.
We create partnerships with other organisations, professionals and performers and are at the forefront of developing musical programmes for the schools of today.
Whole Class Music
Our Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET) sessions are the foundation of instrumental learning in schools, providing a ‘jumping off’ point for all children to dive into instrumental learning.
Schools enrolled onto our Musical Schools programme gain access to our WCET sessions with a free double-term of whole class sessions for one year group.
Our tutors will compliment your music curriculum and enable students to develop the skills they need to make progress throughout the key-stages.
- Enhance your music curriculum offer
- Free double-term of WCET
- Help to provide school ensembles and music clubs
- Free memberships for Special Schools
- Help to create a School Music Education Plan (SMEP)
Bring your classroom to musical life with our Musical School programme.
Create school ensembles & music clubs

Create school ensembles & music clubs
Our team of Music Specialist PPA Tutors for schools can work with you to create your own school ensemble or after school music club to complement your music curriculum offer.
If you need support to develop this area of your curriculum we can help you to create a School Music Education Plan (SMEP) – a vital part of an action plan that will prepare you for your next Ofsted inspection.
Open Orchestras

Open Orchestras
As part of our free membership offer to Special Schools, Open Orchestras is a programmes designed for all children to participate in learning instruments and experience playing together.
Run in partnership with Open Up Music this programme gives children with special educational needs and disabilities their first interactions with traditional and accessible instruments and progressing into group music making.
Discover our Earthsong Programme
Learn how we’re creating opportunities for over 4,500 young people in Bristol to access music education.
The Earthsong Programme is an initiative that aims to give enriching opportunities for young people who attend schools in challenging areas of our city, who are from disadvantaged backgrounds or in schools where English is an additional language.
Developing the voice as the first instrument is key to lifelong musical enjoyment and progression.
Bristol Beacon places singing at the heart of our work and enables singing activity to be accessed at every point of a young person’s musical journey.
Singing with Schools & Teachers

Singing with Schools & Teachers
We believe singing should be at the core of every activity delivered by teachers and music practitioners. Singing as part of our music programmes in schools leads to young people developing their own instrument.
Through singing we empower teachers to deliver formative and high-quality musical experiences for young people.
Develop a singing culture through CPD

Develop a singing culture through CPD
We offer a wide variety of Continued Professional Development opportunities to school staff to help develop a buoyant singing culture in their school.
Through a variety of initiatives including singing assemblies, singing as part of curriculum learning and development of choirs, we engage teachers in inspirational musical experiences.
Early years projects

Early years projects
Singing begins with Early Years projects and KS1 choirs. We are dedicated to the musical development opportunities for children aged 0-5 and their families to experience high quality music making.
By working with a range of partners we ensure we can deliver these experiences for children across every corner of Bristol.
Learn an instrument in school
We provide accessible and affordable opportunities to learn to play an instrument or sing in school with individual or small group lessons facilitated by our expert tutors.
Inspirational Live Musical Experiences

Bristol Beacon has a thriving artistic programme that brings performances from world-class artists to the city. Our unique access to the artists in this programme enables us to provide children of all ages with inspirational live musical experiences through masterclasses and performances.
We bring schools together from across the region for unforgettable mass-participatory events where children can sing or play together in ensembles, bands and choirs.
We work with orchestras, choirs, artists, theatres, composers, musicians and animators to bring music to life in new and engaging ways.
Events take place on stages at Bristol Beacon and in venues and all kinds of spaces across the city.